
Showing posts from May, 2018


MIEC Day  On 14th May 2018 (Monday), our school (SMMTC - School of Multimedia Technology and Communication) were held a week of MIEC Day, which everyone in UUM can participate on that day by presenting any category of project and so on.  For our group final project, we were presenting our Choco Choco House website. The result, we were not achieve award for this project, but one valuable thing that we got are experience. For me, this is the valuable thing instead of winning, but if we won, that was bonus that repay our effort on doing this project. I hope, there will be another SMMTC week that would gather everyone those want to participate at this ceremony after this. Enjoy! Thank you. Here, I would like to share some pictures of our group when having presentation session.


CHOCO CHOCO HOUSE Presentation On 7th May 2018 (Monday), our group project included Siti Afiqah, Nur Liyana and myself Siti Nursuriyanie were having presentation about our final project for this subject. Our final project title for this subject was Choco Choco House Website. This website was about online shopping which we were providing services in selling product of chocolate home made. To present our product, we were using as our tool and below, I share some interface about our product also the link of presentation tool.   Here is our link about Choco Choco House :  Enjoy!  Thank you. 


ASSIGNMENT LAB 03 For lab 3, we instructed to make a website based-on "Online Shopping". There are many online shopping nowadays in the entire world that we can search. People like to purchase in online shopping nowadays. Surie's Online Shopping Below, I included the code used in developed this website. As for my online shopping, I just developed the menu buttons that I liked to insert. <html> <head>     <title>Surie' Online Shopping</title> <style> .btn-group button {     background-color: #bfbfbf; /* Grey background */     border: 1px solid grey; /* Grey border */     color: black; /* Black text */     padding: 10px 24px; /* Some padding */     cursor: pointer; /* Pointer/hand icon */     float: right; /* Float the buttons side by side */ } /* Clear floats (clearfix hack) */ .btn-group:after {     content: "";     clear: bo...


ASSIGNMENT LAB 02 This is the second lab assignment. The second lab assignment is about the "Airline". We instructed to make a website based-on the airlines website that exist. So, below is my result in developed the "Airlines Website". I developed this website using "Komodo Editor". Emirates Airline Below, I include the code that have been used to developed this website.  <html> <head>     <title>Emirates Airlines</title> <style>     table, th, td {         border: 1px solid black;         border-collapse: collapse;     } </style> </head> <body> <h1 font size=5 face="Arial Black">Emirates Airlines</font></h1> <p align="left">     <img src="EmiratesLogo.png" alt="logo" width="100" height="100">     Username:<INPUT type="text" name="myName" size=30 maxlengt...


ASSIGNMENT LAB 01 This first lab assignment is about "Introduction to WWW Programming". So, below is the result in developed a website about "Introduction to WWW Programming". My First Lab Activity Below, the coding that have been used in order developed the first lab assignment above. (Referring images include) <html> <head>     <title>Welcome to SMMTC.</title> </head> <body background ="Background Image.jpeg">     <center><h1>My first Lab Activity.</h1></center> </body> <body>     <p>My name is <b>Siti Nursuriyanie binti Amer Mahmud</b></p>     <p>I am studying in UUM and take Multimedia Programme.</p>     <p>This is my last semester in UUM.</p>          <hr>         <b>Subject that I take for this semester:</b>...
Today (1/3/2018-Thursday), I have learn about the Introduction of WWW Programming that contain many category about programming language that usually used in terms of develop the website or systems.